
social silence.

this is about the poem, below, by Sarah Jones that i heard on the show, Art and Outrage on TRIO tonight. it is banned due to a its controversial nature...read the portion below...

BACKGROUND INFO: The FCC proposed a $7,000 fine against non commercial kboo-fm in Portland, OR for broadcasting the song "Your Revolution" which the commission says contains "unmistakable patently offensive sexual references."Kboo-fm counters that its mission is to provide a forum for "unpopular, controversial neglected perspective," and that "Your Revolution" is "a feminist attack on attempts to equate political revolution with promiscuous sex" - the opening lyric is, "Your revolution will not happen between these thighs" - and thus is not indecent. The FCC rejected that argument and has given kboo-fm 30 days to respond.
The move has, of course, forced other non commercial and otherwise progressive radio broadcasters to ban their programmers from playing the song. Thus, permanently silencing one of the most important feminist hip hop songs of the last decade from ever reaching fm listeners. This is a heavy-handed blow from the FCC against the First Ammendment rights of the citizens of the United States, positive Hip Hop artists, and anyone striving for increased equality for women in this country or worldwide.

i don't really know what entitles people the right to say what is decent or not. that these so-called religious and right-wing people are so convinced that they have the right to decide for others. none of these groups are saints nor are they free of skeletons. religious groups have been condemned with child sexual abuse and molestation and of money laundering. right-wingers are condemned with issues as money laundering, illegal activities and just for being stupid moron bigots. how are these people supposed to be the moral leaders if they themselves connot live by what they say?

also on the sam show, they were doing a story on a play called Corpus Christi (according to the Post, would recount the life of Jesus from a gay perspective-and Jesus would have sex with his apostles!) that was on its way of being banned. an image that was shown was of a heavily-bulit man carrying a sign that said, GAY- G: Got, A: AIDS, Y: Yet? this really really really irked me. i've gotten past the dyke and fag thing a bit but who are these people to decide for everyone or to say what is right or wrong. are we not in a free nation where we are allowed to be free thinkers in a free society? what is up with all of this? this goes beyond, can't we just get along, or tolerate. i tolerate the stupid half of the population that happens to always come to the place i work. even the bigoted and rude and mean and cursing jerks and the snobs. this all enrages me.


Anonymous said...

Dude... the song says "lyrical douche in my bush" and "6-foot blowjob machine."

How could you expect a mainstream radio station... or even a college radio station for that matter, to play an unedited version of this song without getting the clampdown from the FCC? Not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we have to protect the right for the people who we disagree with to say what they want, just as much as we should be allowed to say how we feel. I agree that censorship does get out of control, but am not familiar enough with the song to say it was uncalled for or not. However, as far as the sign goes, though it is hurtful, hateful, and completely offensive to me, I must remain with Voltaire: "I do not agree with a word you are saying, but will defend to the death your right to say it!" Power to the first amendment!! :-) This is Amy btw :-) *hugs*

Cathie said...

One of these days we'll get a sensible dem back in the white house. Hillary 2008!