

today on the Travel Channel i saw a tv show about college campuses/ towns and i managed to turn onto the channel where UGA (Athens, GA) was shown as a major college town. i was delighted and had a weird desire to see and try to see my friends Mj and her husband Robert in the footage. but sadly they were not shown. :( what they did show was the beautiful funky downtown area and then onto the music scene, the 40 Watt and then onto the football. i was happy. i was there this past March visiting Mj and Robert in the cold, got sick and was no fun. i apologize to the amentioned people. i will be much more fun next time, sick or well. i promise! what i especially loved was the great friends, reading their cool collection of graphic books, the tea, the muffins, the cool art show we went to one grey day and the botanical garden picnic we did. mj and i, for the last few years, always met up at Espresso Royale Cafe. and it hasn't changed. there are always students reading, writing papers.

i've been going to Athens ever since i was about 13 or 14, visiting as i lived well over an hour away. i was entranced by the funky college atmosphere and loved the cool stores and music stores. i remember when i was 18, i saw a penis tattooed outside a tattoo shop downtown and i was kinda creeped out. thats was the time i wanted to get tattooed for the first time. anyhow, those are my fun Athens memories!!! thanks Mj for being an everlasting great friend and for Robert for being a great new friend and a special yo or aloha to Suzanne and Aiden and the cool new peeps i met on my visit!

1 comment:

Mary Jessica said...

you are so sweet and deserving of many comic books, muffins, cups of tea, and lots of ibuprofin and sudafed, hee hee! I miss you and I hope we DO get to see each other soon...love MJ!