
a busy week.

[fever]- ella fitzgerald

ok so this week was a busy one. the sunday before yesterday i painted a bedroom, then there was work and more work. on wednesday there were the Grammy's with a KICK-ASS performance by the great Madonna (i am now hooked on her new album). Thursday i went home early due to a bad migraine at work and made about 3 cd's. Friday was the day of fun, Olympic Ceremony time! i cried again as the athlete shuffled past the spectators and when i saw N. and S. Korea march as one i lost it (again!). Saturday was work and so was Sunday. Sunday night i went shopping for a few clothing items mainly Billabong tshirts for the faux surfer in me. then today i slept (i've been sleeping a lot lately, which isn't normal for me) a few hours and then watched some tv, started laundry and cleaning out my closet and drawers. then tomorrow i work and start another work week!

fun trivia fact: the t-shirt (as we know it today) was first popularized during WWI and then WWII. in the 1950's it became a cultural phenomenom by the likes of Marlon Brando and James Dean. for women, it was popularized in the 1960's during the "sexual revolution". t-shirts were made for the Navy dept. but then in the 1930's companies such as Sears, Hanes and Fruit of the Loom made the shirts.

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