
ipod! ipod! ra ra ra

[mood]: very tired and dizzi-ish
[music]: eternal falme- the bangles

today i only worked for about 2 hours when i sent myself home due to almost passing out work. it was hot and i was feeling strange and my legs were wobbly. i knew i could stay so i went home. but mind you, i had to bike ride home almost a mile and partway up a hill. i nearly passed out when i got home. i sat in my chair for a few hours drinking water. but i can't decide if i am ok enough to work tomorrow. we'll see when i awaken.

other than that...all is ok. i looked up a bunch o' lesbian blogs and found interesting ones. should be an exciting read!


Mary Jessica said...

oh no, don't be sick! Blech! Riding your bike while ill is never the greatest thing in the world. I'm happy to see you're writing again. xoxo MJ

Mary Jessica said...

oh no, don't be sick! Blech! Riding your bike while ill is never the greatest thing in the world. I'm happy to see you're writing again. xoxo MJ