

[music]: supersonic- oasis
[mood]: excited and pensive

so in a day or so i am going to Honolulu to visit my parents. i am super, super excited but the real feeling i have right now is extreme fatigue. i've been up since 3am and its 8:45pm or so. i was gonna go to bed but i started redoing my ipod stuff and then i started launndry,etc. sometimes i feel like a housewife. at times an underappreciated one. anyhow...i haven't seen my parents since March of this year when we ventured to the ATL. so its a mini mini vacation for me. 2 days of off island adventure. hopefully the real vacation in January to WA state to visit my parents will do me more good. plus there is a chance that i may visit my friend, C in San Fran before i see my parents.

so the dismantling part is this: i would be so very tempted to move to the mainland after the visits. what do i do?

a bientot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you do what you know you're supposed to do!